church n. 丘奇〔姓氏〕。 n. 1.教堂,礼拜堂;〔C-〕 教会;教派。 2.教徒团体;〔集合词〕基督教徒。 3.〔the church〕牧师[神父]职位,圣职。 4.【宗教】(教堂的)礼拜〔不用冠词 the〕。 5.教会的组织;教权。 Church of Humanity 人道主义者,孔德主义者。 the church invisible 天上的基督教徒们;天上教会。 the visible church 地上的基督教徒们,地上教会,现世教会。 the Eastern Church 东正教(会);希腊正教。 the Western Church 西正教(会),罗马天主教会。 the established [state] church国教。 the Church of England [English Church, Anglican Church] 英国国教,圣公会。 the High [Low] Church (重礼仪的)高教[(不重礼仪的)低教]教会。 after church (在教堂)做礼拜之后,从教堂出来。 as poor as a church mouse 非常贫穷。 be at church =be in church 正(在教堂)做礼拜。 between churches 上次做礼拜与下次做礼拜相隔期间。 enter the Church= go into the church 做牧师,任圣职。 go to [attend] church 上教堂去做礼拜;〔口语〕结婚。 talk church 讲有关宗教信仰的话〔枯燥无味的话〕;〔古语〕讲行话。 vt. 1.使(某人)去教堂接受宗教仪式。 2.为(妇女)做产后感恩礼拜。 3.按教会规章申斥[处罚]。 -ing (妇女)安产感恩礼拜。 -ism 墨守教会仪式;英国国教主义。 adj. -ly 1.教会的,符合教会规章。 2.虔诚的。
Over the bare limbs of the trees , which now swayed in the wintry wind , rose the steeple of the union park congregational church , and far off the towers of several others 光秃秃的树枝在寒风中摇摆,树梢后面耸立起联合公园公理会教堂的尖顶,再远处,还有好几个教堂的塔楼耸立着。
Congregational churches are Protestant Christian churches practising Congregationalist church governance, in which each congregation independently and autonomously runs its own affairs.